Clyde A. Pine, Jr., Laura Enriquez, Ramon Benavides III, David M. Mirazo, Merwhan N. Bhatti, Monica L. Perez, Anelesa Benavides, Shannon J. Crenshaw, and Bradley H. Bartlett are licensed to serve clients in both Texas and New Mexico.
We are pleased to announce nine attorneys licensed to practice law in Texas and New Mexico

(915) 541-1506
Mr. Pine's principal areas of practice are Commercial Litigation, Business/Real Estate Law, Bankruptcy Law, and School Law. By choice, Mr. Pine maintains a broader legal practice than many attorneys. Such a broad understanding of various legal areas has proven to be a significant benefit to his practice (e.g.- since he is retained to handle lawsuits where contracts have gone bad, he is more attuned to avoid such problems for his clients when he is drafting contracts). Mr. Pine is licensed to practice in both Texas and New Mexico, and conducts an active practice in west Texas and southern New Mexico. His clients include local companies and individuals, as well as many regional, national, and international companies. In his career, Mr. Pine has handled individual matters with amounts at issue ranging from hundreds of millions of dollars down to mere hundreds of dollars (i.e.- where principle is at stake for a participant), with a similar level of service to each. Mr. Pine has also made presentations and has authored articles and papers over his decades of practice for a variety of legal and industry seminars and publications, including national ones. Mr. Pine is a Shareholder, and continues to serve as President, of the Firm.
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(915) 541-1531
Merwan N. Bhatti is a partner in the Firm and serves as a Vice-President and member of the Board. He practices in the areas of business law, real estate law, bankruptcy, lending, and commercial litigation. Mr. Bhatti has extensive experience representing financial institutions, corporations, and other business entities. He approaches his clients and legal matters with a business “mindset,” and aims to handle legal matters strategically, proactively, and cost-effectively.
In the banking and lending practice, Mr. Bhatti represents institutional and private lenders. Mr. Bhatti’s experience includes the documentation and negotiation of commercial loans, handling foreclosures, and pursuing creditors’ rights. In the real estate practice, Mr. Bhatti has handled the sale and purchase of numerous commercial projects, and has also worked in land development matters. He also has experience in commercial leasing, and landlord/tenant disputes. In the corporate practice area, Mr. Bhatti handles day to day entity issues, including the formation of entities, termination of entities, and maintenance of business entities.
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(915) 541-1501
Ms. Perez is a Shareholder who maintains a trial practice in employment and personal injury litigation in Texas and New Mexico. Employment litigation of exclusive management representation before state and federal agencies, arbitrations, and state and federal courts in Texas and New Mexico. Advise clients on employment policies, handbooks, employee on-boarding forms, employment contracts, employee trainings in both English and Spanish, and day-to-day employee relations issues. Personal injury litigation includes first-chair defense of insurance carriers and/or their insured entities or individuals and case management from inception to disposition.
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